Aug 14, 2015

Just Found Out: 1D vs T-ARA (and pretty much the whole kpop fandom)

I have never felt so ashamed of another fandom before-- until now.

So apparently One Direction, a British boy band, is going up against T-ARA in the Billboard Fan Army. Of course, both of their respective fandoms, Directioners and Queens, are at each others throats. But since the Directioners are losing to Queens, they decided to trash talk and insult not only T-ARA, but kpop as a whole. Which brought all of the other groups into this mess. The hashtag #directionersfuneral was trending on twitter today as well since Directioners lost to Queens. Guess they were talking more smack than actually voting for their group. This however didn't upset me the most though:

1. They brought up EunB and RiSe from Ladies' Codes' death. It's one thing to make fun of people and their culture, but it's another thing to ridicule dead people just because you feel threatened by their fandoms.

2. They are demanding that T-ARA be disqualified JUST because 1D didn't win. They tried trending, I repeat, TRIED trending #disqualifyqueens on twitter because they believe Queens are hacking into BillBoard's voting system. In my opinion, I wouldn't really care if it was true. Why? Because fandoms do this all the time. Directioners are no exception. I mean, how many times have they leaked 1D's songs early or even albums? Pretty much most of the time. Other fandoms do the same thing too. The fact that Queens did it before they did is the only reason they're upset.

3. Their racist and ignorant comments made toward kpop idols. Here is some examples from tumblr.


4. They are claiming that they "slayed" the kpop fandom.
 I think directioners forgot something-- they lost. They didn't slay anything except their ignorance and prejudice towards another race. And most of us are supposed to be Americans. I think it's one thing for people from Asian cultures to be skeptical towards other races due to their cultural homogeneity but as people from western cultures, we were taught differently. OH, and did I mention, they lost? Some of them using the stupidest of arguments. I mean even this person on twitter thought they were defending themselves by using our oceans.

I think Directioners need to remember that 1D isn't the only really popular boyband in the world. They don't even have the world's largest boyband fanbase. That goes to Super Junior, whose a--wait for it-- KPOP GROUP. Even though One Direction is really popular, there are other groups that have been there longer and are titled to more fame than them. In a decade, more or less, One Direction is going to disband and end up doing their own things or settle down. As Kpop fans, we know groups come and go. But these directioners only have this one group to rely on and after they're gone? One who?

5. They forget that the group's second most popular member--ZAYN-- is asian (even though he left). Enough said.

P.S. I have absolutely nothing against One Direction themselves. I used to be a fan of One Direction before I discovered kpop, of course. I only feel disturbed against the actions of their fans.

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