Jul 30, 2015


SISTAR had their 2015 summer comeback with the title track "Shake It" for their third mini album. Let's chat, shall we.


Since I'm not Korean nor do I speak it, hearing that the song is called "Shake It" I automatically think they were talking about ass. It doesn't help that it is part of the choreography. But no, sadly thank god, the song is about the shaking of their hearts. But if you actually read the english translation for this, it sounds like a girl and a guy she has a huge crush like in AOA's Heart Attack but, then it sounds like it's talking about S-E-X. Let me give you a couple of examples:
-"A little hotter, completely wilder"
-"Our entire body is electric, us two"
-And my personal favorite, "We're seriously connecting, this place is on fire"  

So I honestly don't know whether the song is supposed to be about a crush or is low-key about sex. Hyorin and Soyou's voices were flawless as usual. Dasom's voice seemed to improve and this song fits her vocals better than their previous songs. Bora's "rapping" didn't bother me in the past and it didn't bother me this time either.
Rate: 7/10


I didn't get the plot of the MV and I think there wasn't really supposed to be one and was just supposed to look fun. But if there was supposed to be one, the person who thought of THAT needs to be fired and not consider a career in film-making. It looked like SISTAR were school girls who throw random mini flash mobs during class but are forgiven because they are hot af the teacher's pets. They then go shopping in the middle of the school day then head back when gym class starts and start another flash mob. During all of this, some creepy long-haired guy is stalking and being passive-aggressive towards them. Luckily, the choreography was really creative and sexy.
Rate: 6/10